Attix5 Pro Desktop Laptop Edition User Manual For Mac
- Attix5 Pro Desktop Laptop Edition User Manual For Mac
- Attix5 Pro Desktop Laptop Edition User Manual For Mac Free
- Attix5 Pro Desktop Laptop Edition User Manual For Mac Windows 10
All PDA products sync to ALL editions of Logbook Pro. Professional Edition: Allows you to install Logbook Pro on two computers for the use of one pilot's logbook (file). This edition enables the PC-to-PC sync feature allowing you to keep a Logbook Pro data file synchronized between two PC's. Power Mac G4 User Manual Mac mini wikipedia, the mac mini (marketed and branded with lowercase 'mini') is a small desktop computer case manufactured by apple inc one of four desktop computers in the current macintosh lineup, along with the imac, mac pro, and imac pro, it uses many components usually featured in laptops to achieve its small size. Installation and Configuration Guide Tips & Hints April 2008 CitectSCADA. Create a user group e.g., and add all users who are allowed to gain access. User Manual for Microsoft Windows Your guide to managing the Attix5 Pro. Desktop & Laptop Edition USER MANUAL For Mac OS X Copyright Notice.

What file permissions does Attix5 Pro require to back up files? Attix5 Pro requires that the user that the backup service runs as has at least read permission for all files being backed up. How can I tell which user the backup service is running as? Open the Services menu within Windows, right-click the backup service (for example Attix5 Pro DL, Attix5 Pro SE), click Properties, and then navigate to the Log On tab. The default is Local System, but is also often run as an administrator account. Do I need to make other modifications?
You may need to grant the backup service user read permission to files so that they can be backed up. How do I know if I need to set permissions? You may encounter access denied warnings for files within your backup. For example: Warning: 22:38:48 Failed to read security descriptor for file:C: Users dave Documents longcat.jpg, reason: Access is Denied. (5) Warning: 19:07:58 Failed to read security descriptor for file:D: Shared Ron's BlackBerry.ipd, reason: Access is denied.(5) Warning: 19:07:58 Unable to open file: D: Shared Ron's BlackBerry.ipd, reason:?
Attix5 Pro Desktop Laptop Edition User Manual For Mac
GLOBALROOT Device HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy22 Shared Ron's BlackBerry.ipd (Access is denied) I'm running as local system / administrator, but I get access denied warnings. Do I need to change permissions even though those users have access to everything on the machine? Even though you are running the backup service as local system or administrator, and these users do normally do have full access to files on a machine, you may still need to set file permissions. Administrators and local system can be denied access to files within Windows. Windows says I do not have permission to view the security settings for the file.
How do I overcome this? In this scenario you may need to take ownership of the file, or ask the user to grant the backup service user permission to read the file. Another reason might be that files can be orphaned within a file system if the users that created them no longer exist. You will need to take ownership of these files in order to back them up.
Note: Research In Motion's Blackberry Device backup files (.IPD files) routinely only grant permissions and ownership to the user that created them. Read permissions need to be assigned and ownership taken for these files to be backed up. I have run other backup software previously and I never needed to change permissions.

Other backup software applications sometimes use the Windows Backup Operator API. This allows specially configured Backup Operators to access files for backup even when permission is not granted. Note: From Attix5 Pro V7.0.3 it is now possible to use the Windows Backup Operator API. Please see below. I am running an Active Directory domain and do not want to grant read permissions to all files for all the domain administrators. The HR files are particularly sensitive.
How can I get around this problem? Create a dedicated backup user to run the backup service and grant read permissions to this user only, rather than the domain administrators group. This prevents all domain administrators from accessing all files, but still allows the backup service user to access the files for backup. How do I use the Backup Operator API? You need to generate an MSI installer that uses Backup Operator Mode. For more details, please see the Server Edition Backup Operator User Manual in the Alternatively, request a Backup Operator MSI from your backup provider.
4 SFC-500 Series Laptop Configurator The configurator is a Windows based program designed to program the Summit Panels Models - SFC DR - SFC DR 5 Opening screen 6 Backup database makes a copy of the Master Database in the File folder specified in the User Preferences. The backup file will have a name of the form YYYY-MM-DD.mdb. The back up can be used by the Restore Database command to recover all of the jobs in the database. It can also use the Import command to recover selected jobs. Backup your Master Database often and store a copy of the resulting file on a CD or other media.
7 Restores the backup database to the active database directory for use or modification. Note: This will copy over existing database and return your database to the date the backup was made.
8 To ensure optimal performance, you should compact and repair your database on a regular basis. If you have purged job versions or deleted jobs, Compacting the Database will regain the space occupied by those records. 9 Specifies User Preferences, such as the location of database, backups, job files, etc. The Only Entry You must make are Your Name and select Serial Port 10 Print - Print the active job. Print Preview - Display a Print Preview of the active job. Print Setup - Select the printer, paper size and orientation for a print job. 11 Print Access the Windows Print Set-up You will have the choice of what level and area you want to print Outputs with Inputs Correlated Inputs with Output Correlated Display Correlations.
18 Import Job Imports a selected job/version from an external database or serialized job archive and converts the job to the current version if necessary. Job Files can only be edited (changed) after importing it to the Database 19 Export Job Exports the current job in a archive formats: A single job database file compact, in a serialized archive format (.fx2job), this can be stored on a disk, jump drive or burned to a CD for archive and safe keeping. The Export Job command takes a copy of the specified job and archives it does not delete the database entry. 29 Change Address Change Type of Device Change Type of Process Add feature Non Silencable Enter or Change 20 Change Sensitivity Character Tag of of device device The Edit in place allows you to edit each column as you wish by double clicking on the column and entering or selecting the desired entry. You can also double click using the mouse on any column and modify each as required 30 Copy Paste This command will allow paste you a copy to copy of the the selected item item or or items items.

From Once the you clipboard have selected the point the you item have and indicated the copy with command the mouse the arrow. Paste and Paste Special will become available. 33 Connect: This Modem: command will connect the laptop using the UIMA to the SFC-500 series panel preparing This command it for will Send connect (upload) the or laptop Get (download) using the Modem of the configuration. To the SFC-500 series panel preparing it for Send (upload) or Get (download) of the configuration via a remote telephone lin Using the main line of the UDAC dialer. A technician must be on site to put the panel in programming mode to allow remote programming (to meet UL requirements) 34 Send Job: Get This Job: command will send the configuration from the laptop to This the Panel SFC-500 command Information: panel will get using a copy the UIMA.
Attix5 Pro Desktop Laptop Edition User Manual For Mac Free
Of the configuration from SFC-500 Panel to Event This the laptop command Log: using will the read UIMA. While connected the SFC-500 the information about the SFC-500 pan This REMEMBER command YOU will MUST read while BE CONNECTED connected TO the THE SFC-500 SFC-500 the FOR Event THE Log INFORMATION located in the TO panel. SHOW REMEMBER YOU MUST BE CONNECTED TO THE SFC-500 FOR THE LOG TO BE AVAILABLE This can be done with out a technician on site.
Attix5 Pro Desktop Laptop Edition User Manual For Mac Windows 10
36 Help Topics: This command will open the on line Help of the SFC-500 Configurator Utility About SFC-500 Configuration Utility: This command will open the screen of the SFC-500 Configurator Utility indicating the version and date of release. 37 Open New Job Edit Job Job CopyPaste Paste Special This This command will open the New Job dialog which will allow you to start a new job. Toggle command This the lock command This will on command This a open job command will that allow will existing paste will protected you paste to job a copy from a against copy of the your the of unintentional selected database. The selected item item or or items. The new job can be based on a supplied template or on an existing job. Edits or Once has from you been like have the down Number clipboard selected loaded of the to copies, a point item panel.
Copy and you the have I/O copy correlations, indicated command with Display the mouse arrow. The Paste correlations and Paste Special will become available. But with a single loop you will not be able to use the Retain address.
38 Delete: Print This Print command the active will Job. Allow you to delete items from the database.
You will be prompted to confirm (as shown at right). 39 Compare Connect Send Get Job: Job Version Compare This command two versions will connect send get of a the copy the the configuration same of laptop the job, configuration using or two from the similar the UIMA from laptop jobs SFC-500 the to of SFC-500 different Panel series lineage. Panel preparing the to the SFC-500 laptop it for panel using Send using the (upload) UIMA the UIMA when or Get when connected.
(download) connected. Of the configuration. 40 Panel Security Help or Contact Information Help When NOT Help USED Topics: connected (Future) via UIMA this dialog displays a summary of panel and This the command configurator will open information the on line Help of the SFC-500 Configurator Utility.