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Baumuller Dc Drive Manual

imemnopa1980 2020. 3. 2. 12:37

Hello,I have a drive running a roller which is winding a textile material. The speed is controlled by the tension of the textile before the roller. I have to provide a switch by which the operator can change the winding direction (CW or CCW).When I connect to the drive with WinBass, I can see that this tensioning value (potmeter) is connected to input 2 of the ramp function generator RFG. However, I do not know where is the value at input1 is comming from.When there is no material on the roller, it starts spinning and the speed goes up to 100%, also the value at input1 of the RFG is 100%.If I modify the textile tensioning value (rotate the poti) the speed is reduced (also the value in input1). If I put a thick in the 'change polarity' box, the roller turns the other way, however, if I modify again the tensioning value, there is no reaction, the roller is still rotating at full speed.What should I do to be able to change the rotational direction and the speed would react if I modify the tensioning value?BRAttilaPS attached is the file uploaded from the drive. Reversing the DC motor's direction if the speed reference is an on-board analog input is as simple as 'swapping' the signal's + and - wiring via a 2 position cam selector switch. Position 1 A - B and C - D; Position 2 A - D and B - C.The issue is trying to maintain the 'winder' function adjustment within the reverse polarity reference scenario.I am not familiar with the Baumueller DC drives, however, you might want to consider adding another similar 'contact deck' to your 'Motor Direction' Selector Switch and do a similar 'polarity swap' for the 'Tension Reference' analog input wiring.

Hi,I have tried to reverse the rotation in WinBass and also reversed the polarity of the tension signal (swap + and - wires). No help, there is no reaction if the roller turns in the other direction.(it's an AC motor).Attached is a picture of the ramp function generator. What is strange to me is that there is a red switch which selects the inputs. It is selecting input1, however the tensioning value is connected to input2. Input1 is also changing, but I could not find out where it is comming from. Do you have an User Manual for the VFD?All the Winder applications I have encountered were DC.It's good to know there is an AC available option.Input 1 has to be an onboard analog input receiving the speed reference; can you physically verify the I/O circuitry on the drive; are there any wires landed on the second Analog Input terminal?Just doing a little research:If your frequency converter is a 'stock b max 1000' you have two onboard analog inputs AVI (Voltage Input) and CVI (Current Input).

Hi dmargineau!Thanks for the answer!It is an older modular drive with a Bus 6V controller module.Here is a manual:is strange to me in all this is, that if a parameter is connected to another, in WinBass the other parameter is highlighted in yellow (the% sign, like at RFG input2 in the picture) and if I click on the name of the parameter, a window opens showing among other things the connected parameter numbers.I do not have that in the case of RFG input1, but it is still changing during operation. I am sure, I'm missing something.BRAttila. Our VLAN servers firewalls will not let me access the link you have posted.Could you 'Go to Advanced' and attach the.pdf manual? It'll make it a lot more efficient.So you have established that 'input 2' is linked to the on-board Analog Input 1; you found the potentiometer wired up to the analog input point (AI 1)and reversed polarity to the torque reference command.It is a matter of changing the polarity for 'input 1' which is the speed reference.Since the software establishes that only 'input 2' is linked to an onboard physical input, the speed reference might arrive via established communications.What type of controls are you using?

Is there any PLC/HMI system the VFD is part of? Hi!Game is over. I've sent the picture of the drive to somebody, who forwarded it to somebody else, who informed me that there is also an embedded drive PLC in the box (Omega).Most probably my analog signal at RFG input1 is comming from there.The problem is that I cannot find the application for the drive PLC (PROPROG wt II) and without having the source program I will not be able to make any modifications in the PLC.Eventualy, I will recomend the client to replace the drive with another one.Have a good day!

Baumuller Bum60 Fault Codes

I am back to working on the Gildemeister NEF CT40 and I have a regulator blocking fault that is present from start-up. Commanding the spindle to an RPM via mdi or program does nothing. But when I jog the spindle in manual mode, it spins up for half a second then faults out. I have a bit more info if anyone is famliar with this type of spindle drive.X and Y are working correctly now and I have lube pressure to the bed, but have not diagnoses any more of my hydraulic system.Anyone have any insights on this one? That sounds fantastic. I have a Baumueller manual of some sort. It has tuning instructions but I certainly wouldn't call it a trouble shooting guide.

Of course, that could be due to my limited knowledge. It has the lights detailed and some board layouts. I'd love to swap info. I believe that I have most of the manuals for the entire machine itself but I think that I am missing about five or six pages of the wiring diagram. Where are you located?Thank you so much for the offer!!Last edited by llf264; at 06:45 PM.Reason: spelling.


I think that unfortunately our two machines might not have all that much in common, but maybe the drives etc. Are the same?Mine has the EPL control which I like a lot, and green/beige colour scheme.On mine the turret is a Sauter, all electric.

There is a simple AC bidirectional motor to index, locking is mechanical, live tools are driven by a separate DC servo motor mounted on the back of the turret.I know a guy who had a couple of these pass through his place and I recall he also couldn't get the axis' and spindle to move at the same time. Unfortunately I've never had that problem and not very sure what the cause might be. Mine has the baumuller spindle drive and siemens servos. It's all been rock solid in the time I've owned it (about 5 years) and it's been run pretty hard in that time.I have two manuals for the baumuller drive, an operation/setup manual that's fairly detailed in itself, and a technical manual that is very in depth.I also have full manuals for the servo drives, all the motors, the turret, and the wiring diagrams of the machine and schematics for the control gear, although how much of it would be similar to yours I'm not sure.Do you know the model of the baumuller drive?

I don't have the manuals in front of me right now but I think the manual references the boards independantly rather than the unit as a whole.If we can't figure it out, or you ever need any parts etc. There is a VERY good service guy in germany that we've had a couple of replacement boards from in the last few years. I can tell you that he knows these machines inside out!Cheers, Gregor. I believe up to the drives they should be the same. Siemens drives on all axis but the main spindle drive being a baumueller.


It has a Sauter 12 tool turret with four stations being live and driven with the same type of motor arrangement that you describe.It currently has a Berg chuck.I believe that my spindle is a single speed. There was a two speed available but honestly, I'm not sure as it hasn't run properly since I picked it up.My N.E.F.

CT40 build sheet lists it as machine # 68389230 v 6 c/sCircuit diagram: 1/027 Ident-No.: 910100Single board computer SBC 8004 G: 183-43-0009/000 Ident-No.: 901569DC main drive: BKF12/70/400-2001feed drive: 6RB2025-2EE01servomotors: 1HU305618The BKF number being the spindle drive. I've once again dropped this project while getting another mill up and running that I know how to work on and working on some robots. That Baumueller drive throwing the blockin fault I am hoping is the last work-around.I'll send you my scanned copies of the schematics. Hopefully you can point to a few pages that I am missing!!